Welcome to the Division of Student Affairs website. As Vice President for Student Affairs, I have the privilege of leading a talented and dedicated staff committed to our mission of fostering student success. We work with students to create environments and provide opportunities in which students can develop personal and professional skills in areas outside of classrooms.
Shenandoah University students leave with knowledge and lifelong habits that support their health and safety, with growing understanding of their roles in a multicultural and global society, and with the skills and knowledge to be leaders in their families, their communities, their workplaces, and the nation and world. Our work, like the work of our colleagues around the university, is a high calling.
I’m always delighted to hear from you. We’re here to serve students, as well as their families, and members of the greater university community. If we can be of help, please be in touch.
Dr. Yolanda Barbier Gibson, Vice President for Student Affairs
Wilkins Administration Building
Phone: (540) 665-4863
E-mail: ygibson@lyhymh.net